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Green Day - ¡viva la gloria! - Testi - TrovaCd
Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown





15 maggio 2009

Pop Rock


Reprise Records







cd (usato)



in negozio


€ 5,00


4.  ¡viva la Gloria!

The cracks of my skin can prove
As the years will testify
Say your prayers and light a fire
We're going to start a war
Your slogans a gun for hire
it's what we waited for

Hey Gloria,

This is why we're on the edge
The fight of our lives been drawn to
This undying love

Gloria, Viva La Gloria
You blast your name
In graffiti on the walls
Falling Through broken glass that's
slashing through your spirit
I can hear it like a jilted crowd

Gloria, where are you Gloria
You found a home
In all your scars and ammunition
You made your bed in salad days
Amongst the ruin
Ashes to ashes of our youth

She smashed her knuckles into winter
As autumns wind fades into black
She is the saint on all the sinners
The one that's fallen through the cracks
So don't put away your burning light

Gloria, Where are you are Gloria
Don't lose your faith
to you lost naivety
Weather the storm and don't look
Back on last November
When your banners were burning down

Gloria, viva la Gloria
send me your amnesty down
To the broken hearted
bring us the season
That we always will remember
Don't let the bonfires go out

So Gloria,
Send you your message of the light
that shadows in the night.
Gloria, where's your undying love
tell me the story of your life

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